

专业发展 is an important component of the undergraduate experience. There is a wide array of independent opportunities 和 programs that can help you find the work, 实习, or service experience that you are looking for abroad outside of an official UNH program. 在 国际经验 section, you can find lists, links 和 descriptions.

Below are suggestions 和 advice for going about your search, 决策和准备过程.

步骤1.  Decide on the type of international experience you want by considering these issues*:

  1. 时机 – When can you go 和 for what length of time? Some programs operate year-round, others only during very specific periods. Duration can range from a few weeks to a summer or semester or even year. 
  2. 位置 -考虑发达vs. less developed regions, cost of living, health 和 safety issues. 
  3. 类型 – Each category of international experiences (实习, 志愿服务, 教学, 带薪工作, research) has its own distinctive focus 和 a greater or lesser degree of structure.
  4. 资格要求 – Some programs require specific skills (e.g. engineering or foreign language competence or 教学 English certificate), 而其他人则对多面手开放.  有些项目仅限于美国.S. 公民.  Read the fine print to make sure you could be considered for the program.
  5. 成本 – With very few exceptions there will be expenses for which you will be responsible.  Even paid positions will usually have program fees or at least start-up expenses.  The only programs that cover all of one’s expenses tend to be government-sponsored (either U.S or foreign) 和 for a longer period of time, such as a year or two.   
  1. 标准 -参考全文 IVPA标准清单, which establishes best Principles 和 Practices in the development 和 operation of volunteer programs abroad.
  2.  项目历史 -项目是否建立良好?  他们经营多久了? Who are their founders/staff 和 do they extensive experience?
  3.  项目联系 - Can you easily reach a live person who is responsive 和 helpful?
  4.  参考文献 - Get references about the program from reliable sources, if possible. Ask for participant references 和 follow up with detailed questions.
  5. 健康与安全 -参见 Department of State’s Travel Advisories 和 领事信息报告 for assessments of these factors for every country. 
  6.  程序提供 -这个项目能为你提供什么?  Can they follow through with what they are promising?  Always ask for contacts 和 identify who their staff are 和 how they will support you.
  7. 小字 - What are your rights if you participate on the program?  Always read carefully the fine print in the liability waivers 和 terms 和 conditions before signing any documentation.
  8. 项目费用/成本 - What is included in the program fee 和 is it what you expected. Underst和 how the fees are broken down, 不包括什么, for what you will be responsible for paying extra.

步骤3.  研究 Funding opportunities - pay attention to eligibility requirements:

步骤4.  准备出发:

  • 文档 - Make sure you know what documents are required 和 that they are up-to-date (passport, 签证, 机票, 确认接种疫苗, 处方, 授权书).
  • 保险 - 购买国际保险.
  • 最新国家信息 - Review country information 和 recommendations on the State department 网站 和 the Center for Disease Control 和 Prevention 网站.
  • 健康 和安全 -
    • If you have any pre-existing conditions--mental or physical--communicate these with the program 和 your doctors to develop a plan.  You will also need a strategy for traveling with medications 和 having sufficient medications for your entire stay.
    • 通过以下途径向美国大使馆注册 The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP).
    • 开发一个 个人应急行动计划.
  • 物流 - Prepare how you will manage 和 access money abroad, 现场沟通及与总部沟通, 支付账单.
  • 资源 ——学生Abroad.Com在国外学习很有帮助 手册 online that will include helpful 和 important pre-departure information that is relevant to any experience abroad.

步骤5.  回家:

  • 海关 - Underst和 duties 和 customs declarations for traveling with goods 和 money. Know what you can bring out of your host country 和 bring in to your home country.
  • 文化冲击 - It is quite common that people returning from an extended period abroad experience reverse culture shock, in which your home seems unfamiliar 和 difficult to adjust to 和 you miss your friends, 国外的生活方式和文化. There is additional information in the 学生Abroad.com 手册 上面引用的.
  • 恢复建设 - Meet with a career counselor to discuss how best to integrate your international experience into your resume 和 discuss it in an interview.

*改编自 密歇根大学 网站.